Monday, May 17, 2010

best photographer

eric ryan anderson

robert dann photography

andrew gransden photography

Extension Tubes

An extension tubes is a tool used in macro photography that attaches to the face of the camera at one and.the purpose of the extension tube is to move the end of the camera's lens away from the digital sensor on the face of the camera.not only does the extension tube bring the subject closer to the camera's lens,but it also requires for a longer exposure time because it takes longer for the light from the scene to reach the face of the negative.

A non-electronic extension tube will prevent the autofocus feature from a result.the photographer will have to manually adjust the aperture to propely focus the lens.however,a photographer can ensure that his autofocus isn't disabled by purchasing a more upscale extension tube that comes with points of electrical constact that an extension tube has,the more it will enable your camera's electrical funcations to work properly.

Extension tubes are especially helpful in macro photography because they allow the photographer to take close up shots of smalller,highly detailed subjects.

Extra Low Dispersion (ED)

ED,which stand for extra low dispersion,is an adjective that describes a feature of glass that used to make lenses for cameras or telescopes.extra low dispersion glass prevent chromatic aberration because it concantrates and directs the wavelength of light more effectively onto the camera's film.

Lenses made from extra low dispersion glass have less air bubbles and glass deformities that are more likely to cause image distrotion.

Consequently,most professionals and some serious amateurs are more likely to buy higher end camera that come equipped with extra low dispersion glass lenses.picture taken with ED lenses tend to be clearer and sharper with little or no chromatic aberration.

Similary,astronomers,researchers and other scientists usually use telescopes and microscopes that have extra low dispersion looking thought ED lenses,researchers can get an accurate visual represention of their subjects.

Photographic Processes

Photographic processes is the technique of developing film by treating a negative with chemical and exposing it to light to reproduce an image an image on photographic paper.while this method of photographic processes refers to the manner of developing film,digital cameras and printers also allow avenue in film development.

With a digital camera,images can be transferred to a computer,manipulated with computer software and then printed out with a digital printer.

This newer method not only produces prints without the mess of negative and chemicals,but it also allow the photographer to improve photo quality by clearing out red eyes,cropping out superfluous details or enhancing contrast by using computer software,such as photoshop.

However,the term photographic processes can also refer to the method of taking picture.the process of taking picture can be as simple or complicated as the photographer needs. the following is a list of a new of various aspects that may enter a photographer's process of taking picture:
  • angle of the shot
  • background
  • focal length
  • lens aperture
  • lighting
  • shutter speeds
  • type of lens to use

Flash Sync Speed

Flash Sync speed refers to the fastest speed at which the shutter can be set to ensure that the film receives enough light from the camera's flash.while the flash sync speed can be set slower,setting it faster means that the shutter will close before the film has received enough light.

In simple terms,the flash sync (short of synchronized) speed coordinates the snap of the flash with the opening and closing of the camera's shutter.

Consequetly,faster flash sync speed will produce pictures that are underexposed,making them darker and less defined than picture produced when the appropriate flash sync speed is used.

The proper flash sync speed depends on the amount of flash needed to take a particular a result,scenes that need more flash will require slower flash speeds to ensure that enough light enters through the camera's lens.

Conversely,scenes that are better lit demands less flash and,therefore,can be adequately photographed at a faster flash sync sure to know what the upper limit foe the speed should be before taking your picture.if the speeds is set faster than the scene demands,you will end up with dark,blurry pictures.

Fixed-Focus Lens

Fixed focus lenses are lenses that are fixed to be perfectly focused when it is placed at a specific distance from its subject.unlike traditional lenses,fixed focus lenses can't be adjusted or manipulated(as the name implies).generally,fixed focus lenses are wide angle lenses that are locked on smaller aperture settings so that the camera can take picture of a variety of subjects.

Given these fixed parameters,fixed focus lenses allow photographers to take picture of subjects,ranging from landscapes to people to animal,as long as the camera is within the appropriate depth of field.

Fixed focus lenses work best when they are located at least six feet away from their target fact,the general range at which fixed focus lenses can be effective ranges from six feet to infinity(of course,with infinity being the oretical endpoint).

Although simpler,less expensive are usually equipped with fixed focus lenses,some higher end cameras may also come with fixed focus lenses to help a professional photographer create highly refined shots.

Taking Pictures and Looking at the Past

People take picture for many reasons,ranging from sentimental motivation to eminently practical concerns.taking pictures may be an art form,a family hobby or a historical responsibility.similarly,looking at picture puts us in touch with the past,keeps us informed of news events and allows us to appreciate artistry.

Taking photo can be as easy as pointing the camera,clicking and hoping something turns out.Many people take picture in this manner.However.this method may be inconsistent.sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.
Because pointing and shooting a camera is an unreliable method of taking pictures,professional photographers don't take photo in this way.instead,a professional photographer,or an experienced amateur,take the time to study his or her,the angle of the shot and compisition are all evaluated.if you follow the rules of basic photography composition,taking photo that consistently look good isn't difficult skill to master.

underwater photography